Saturday, May 14, 2005

Pick Up A Novel And Read This Summer

Pick up a novel and read this summer. I am calling on all people to get into the habit of reading novels. There are so. many novels being written. You will have a large selection to choose from. Start reading to improve your mind. We all no that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Do not let that be said about you. Encourage your children to read more. I know some of you are doing just that. Some parents are waiting for the new Harry Potter book to arrive. There are other books, for children, besides Harry Potter. I am not a Harry Potter basher. I am just trying to say that you should expose your children to a wide variety of books. You too can expose yourself to a wider variety of novels. Why not take the plunge and start reading novels by authors that you are not accustomed to reading. I know some of you have your favorite authors. That is fine. Do not stop reading their work. Do however expose yourself to other novels.

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